A tree view is a component based on nodes that are shown in a hierarchical structure.
install | yarn add @clayui/core |
version | 3.127.0 |
Beta3.127.0View in LexiconCHANGELOG
Property | Description |
displayType 'light' | 'dark' | Flag to determine which style the TreeView will display. The default value is 'light' |
dragAndDrop boolean | Flag to enable Drag and Drop of Nodes over the Tree. The default value is false |
dragAndDropContext Window & typeof globalThis | Optional drag and drop context: this is to avoid
errors when using various drag and drop contexts
on the same page. The default value is window |
expandDoubleClick boolean | Flag to expand the node's children when double-clicking the node. The default value is false |
expandOnCheck boolean | Flag to expand child nodes when a parent node is checked. The default value is false |
expanderClassName string | Extra classes passed to the expander button. |
expanderIcons Icons | Flag to modify Node expansion state icons. |
itemNameKey string | Flag to indicate which key name matches the item name to be displayed
in drag preview. The default value is 'name' |
messages DragAndDropMessages | Messages that the TreeView uses to announce to the screen reader. Use this to handle internationalization. |
onItemHover (item: T, parentItem: T, index: MoveItemIndex) => boolean | The callback is called whenever there is an item dragging over another item. |
onItemMove (item: T, parentItem: T, index: MoveItemIndex) => boolean | Callback is called when an item is about to be moved elsewhere in the tree. |
onLoadMore OnLoadMore<T> | When a tree is very large, loading items (nodes) asynchronously is preferred to decrease the initial payload and memory space. The callback is called every time the item is a leaf node of the tree. |
onSelect (item: T) => void | Callback called whenever an item is selected. Similar to the onSelectionChange
callback but instead of passing the selected keys it is called with the current
item being selected. |
onRenameItem (item: T) => Promise<T> | Calback is called when the user presses the R or F2 hotkey. |
selectionMode 'single' | 'multiple' | 'multiple-recursive' | null | Flag changes the Node selection behavior when a checkbox is rendered on the Node.
- single: select only node.
- multiple: select multiple nodes.
- multiple-recursive: selects multiple nodes and recursively. The default value is 'single' |
showExpanderOnHover boolean | Flag to indicate if the TreeView will show the expander in the hover in the Node. The default value is true |
| The default value is true |
| The default value is 'children' |
| The default value is 'hydrate-first' |
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag to set the node to the active state. |
actions React.ReactElement | Property for rendering actions on a Node. |
children React.ReactNode | Item content. |
draggable boolean | Flag to define if the item is draggable and dropable. |
disabled boolean | Flag indicating that the component is disabled. |
expandable boolean | Flag to indicate if the item is expandable. This renders the arrow button on the item. |
noHover boolean | Flag to remove the visual of the hover over the item. |
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag to set the node to the active state. |
children React.ReactNode | Item content. |
draggable boolean | Flag to define if the item is draggable and dropable. |
disabled boolean | Flag indicating that the component is disabled. |
expanderDisabled boolean | Flag indicating if Expander is disabled, by default it has the value of the disabled prop. |
expandable boolean | Flag to indicate if the item is expandable. This renders the arrow
button on the item. The default value is false |
noHover boolean | Flag to remove the visual of the hover over the item. |
Property | Type | Required | Default | Description |
children | React.ReactNode | (item: T) => React.ReactElement | true | Group content. | |
items | Array<T> | false | Property to inform the dynamic data of the tree. |