Color picker lets users select a color from a predefined palette, specify a color via its hexadecimal value, sample a color, and explore color values to create a custom color variation.
install yarn add @clayui/color-picker version use import ColorPicker from ' @clayui/color-picker ' ;
import { Provider } from '@clayui/core' ;
import ColorPicker from '@clayui/color-picker' ;
import React , { useState } from 'react' ;
import '@clayui/css/lib/css/atlas.css' ;
export default function App ( ) {
const [ customColors , setCustoms ] = useState ( [ '008000' , '00FFFF' , '0000FF' ] ) ;
const [ color , setColor ] = useState ( customColors [ 0 ] ) ;
return (
< Provider spritemap ="/public/icons.svg" >
< div className ="p-4" >
< ColorPicker
colors ={ customColors }
label ="Custom Colors"
name ="colorPicker2"
onChange ={ setColor }
onColorsChange ={ setCustoms }
showHex ={ true }
title ="Custom Colors"
value ={ color }
</ div >
</ Provider >
) ;
Color Picker is delivered in 4 different ways: default colors, custom colors, native and small.
Default colors
: a predefined list of colors to the dropdown that is not allowed to change or manipulate.
Custom colors
: using the
API in conjunction with
enables the user to modify colors and add new ones.
: use the
API when the color picker is being used in a native environment, it changes to the browser default color picker.
: use the
API to size the color picker input to match other small inputs.
We recommend that you review the use cases in the Storybook .
API Reference
ColorPicker ({ active , ariaLabels , colors , defaultActive , defaultValue , disabled , dropDownContainerProps , label , messages , name , onActiveChange , onChange , onColorsChange , onValueChange , predefinedColors , showHex , showPalette , showPredefinedColorsWithCustom , small , splotchTitle , spritemap , title , useNative , value , ... otherProps } : IProps ) => JSX .Element
Parameters Properties active boolean | undefined
Property to define whether the DropDown menu is expanded or not
ariaLabels { selectColor : string; selectionIs : string; } | undefined
= { "selectColor" : "Select a color" , "selectionIs" : "Color selection is {0}" }
Labels for the aria attributes
colors Array < string > | undefined
List of color hex values
defaultActive boolean | undefined
Property to set the default value of active
defaultValue string | undefined
Property to set the default value (uncontrolled).
disabled boolean | undefined
Flag for adding ColorPicker in disabled state
dropDownContainerProps IBaseProps | undefined
Props to add to the DropDown container.
The label describing the collection of colors in the menu
messages { close : string; customColor : string; } | undefined
Message for aria-label
The input attribute for name
onActiveChange InternalDispatch < boolean > | undefined
Callback function for when active state changes (controlled).
onChange InternalDispatch < string > | undefined
Callback that is called when the value changes (controlled).
onColorsChange (( val : Array < string >) => void ) | undefined
Callback for when the list of colors change
onValueChange (( val : string ) => void ) | undefined
Callback for when the selected color changes
predefinedColors Array < string > | undefined
showHex boolean | undefined
= true
Determines if the hex input should render
showPalette boolean | undefined
= true
Flag for showing and disabling the palette of colors.
This defaults to true
showPredefinedColorsWithCustom boolean | undefined
small boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if input-group-sm
class should
be applied to ClayInput.Group
splotchTitle string | undefined
The title of the Main Splotch component
spritemap string | undefined
Path to the location of the spritemap resource.
Title to describe the color picker form element
useNative boolean | undefined
Determines if the native color picker should be used
The value property sets the current value (controlled).
Returns ElementEdit this page on GitHub Contributors
Matuzalém Teles, Bryce Osterhaus, Diego Nascimento, Krešimir Čoko, Patrick Yeo
Last edited January 29, 2025 at 1:35:02 AM