Select Box allows users to select multiple options and if needed the ability to reorder selected options.
install yarn add @clayui/form version use import { ClaySelectBox } from ' @clayui/form ' ;
Select Box is exported from the @clayui/form
package, consisting of some low-level utilities that provides the ability to create a Select element with multiple options selectable.
Note: The actual select functionality will not work here due to a pending issue at FormidableLabs/react-live#196 . To see it in action, check out the storybook demo .
import { Provider } from '@clayui/core' ;
import { ClaySelectBox } from '@clayui/form' ;
import React , { useState } from 'react' ;
import '@clayui/css/lib/css/atlas.css' ;
export default function App ( ) {
const [ items , setItems ] = useState ( [
label : 'Reddit' ,
value : 'reddit' ,
} ,
label : 'Slack' ,
value : 'slack' ,
} ,
label : 'Twitter' ,
value : 'twitter' ,
} ,
] ) ;
const [ value , setValue ] = useState ( [ ] ) ;
return (
< Provider spritemap ="/public/icons.svg" >
< div className ="p-4" >
< ClaySelectBox
items ={ items }
label ="In Use"
onItemsChange ={ setItems }
onSelectChange ={ setValue }
value ={ value }
</ div >
</ Provider >
) ;
API Reference
getSelectedIndexes ( items : Array < TItem >, selectedValues : Array < number | string >) => Array < number >
Parameters selectedValues * Array < string | number >
Returns number[]
SelectBox ({ ariaLabels , buttonAlignment , className , disabled , id , items , label , multiple , onItemsChange , onSelectChange , showArrows , size , spritemap , value , ... otherProps } : IProps ) => JSX .Element
Parameters Properties ariaLabels { reorderUp : string; reorderDown : string; } | undefined
= { "reorderDown" : "Reorder Down" , "reorderUp" : "Reorder Up" }
Labels for aria attributes
buttonAlignment "center" | "end" | undefined
= "end"
Aligns the buttons used to reorder items relative to the Select Box.
disabled boolean | undefined
Disables the component.
Items to be displayed in the Select Box.
Label to be displayed above the Select Box.
multiple boolean | undefined
Defines whether the Select Box supports selection of multiple items.
onItemsChange (( items : Array < TItem >) => void ) | undefined
Handler that triggers when the content of the items prop are changed caused by reordering of items.
onSelectChange * ( value : Array < string >) => void
Handler that triggers when a new item is selected.
selectedIndexes Array < number > | undefined
Selected indexes, most commonly used in combination with the Dual Listbox component
Amount of items that can fit inside the both Select Boxes before a scrollbar is introduced.
showArrows boolean | undefined
Defines whether the component should render buttons that allow reordering of items.
value * string | Array < string >
Value of the component.
spritemap string | undefined
Path to the spritemap that Icon should use when referencing symbols.
Returns ElementEdit this page on GitHub Contributors
Matuzalém Teles, Krešimir Čoko, Bryce Osterhaus
Last edited January 29, 2025 at 1:35:02 AM