Select Box
Select Box allows users to select multiple options and if needed the ability to reorder selected options.
install | yarn add @clayui/form |
version | 3.125.0 |
Stable3.125.0View in LexiconCHANGELOG
Property | Description |
ariaLabels {
reorderUp: string;
reorderDown: string;
} | Labels for aria attributes The default value is { reorderDown: 'Reorder Down', reorderUp: 'Reorder Up', } |
buttonAlignment 'center' | 'end' | Aligns the buttons used to reorder items relative to the Select Box. The default value is 'end' |
disabled boolean | Disables the component. |
items Array<TItem> | Items to be displayed in the Select Box. |
label string | Label to be displayed above the Select Box. |
multiple boolean | Defines whether the Select Box supports selection of multiple items. |
onItemsChange (items: Array<TItem>) => void | Handler that triggers when the content of the items prop are changed caused by reordering of items. |
onSelectChange (val: Array<string>) => void | Handler that triggers when a new item is selected. |
selectedIndexes Array<number> | Selected indexes, most commonly used in combination with the Dual Listbox component |
size number | Amount of items that can fit inside the both Select Boxes before a scrollbar is introduced. |
showArrows boolean | Defines whether the component should render buttons that allow reordering of items. |
value string | Array<string> | Value of the component. |
spritemap string | Path to the spritemap that Icon should use when referencing symbols. |