Navigation Bar
A navigation bar, navbar, is a horizontal bar that provides several access points to different parts of a system.
install | yarn add @clayui/navigation-bar |
version | 3.123.1 |
Stable3.123.1View in LexiconCHANGELOG
Property | Description |
itemAriaCurrent boolean | Flag to define if the item represents the current page. Disable this
attribute only if there are multiple navigations on the page. The default value is true |
children | Array<React.ReactElement<React.ComponentProps<typeof Item>>>
| React.ReactElement<React.ComponentProps<typeof Item>> | Children elements received from ClayNavigationBar component. |
fluidSize | React.ComponentProps<typeof ClayLayout.Container>['fluidSize']
| false | Set a maximum width on container-fluid. |
inverted boolean | Determines the style of the Navigation Bar The default value is false |
messages {
close: 'Close';
open: 'Open';
trigger: '{0} Menu, Current Page: {1}';
} | Defines aria-label messages to display for the screen reader. The default value is { close: 'Close', open: 'Open', trigger: '{0} Menu, Current Page: {1}', } |
spritemap string | Path to the location of the spritemap resource. |
triggerLabel string | Set up dropdown's trigger label. |
Property | Description |
active boolean | Determines the active state of an dropdown list item. The default value is false |
children React.ReactElement | Children elements received from ClayNavigationBar.Item component. |