Multi Step Nav
A multi step nav, also known as a wizard, is a determinate progress bar used in long processes that divides the main task into subtasks. The wizard lets the user quickly identify their current progress in completing the task and navigate forwards and backwards between steps if needed.
install | yarn add @clayui/multi-step-nav |
version | 3.125.0 |
Stable3.125.0View in LexiconCHANGELOG
Property | Description |
autoCollapse boolean | Flag to indicate if nav should add multi-step-nav-collapse-sm classThe default value is true |
center boolean | Flag to indicate if nav should add the multi-step-nav-center class. |
fixedWidth boolean | Flag to indicate if nav should add multi-step-item-fixed-width class. |
indicatorLabel 'bottom' | 'top' | Flag to indicate the position of the indicator label. The default value is 'bottom' |
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag to indicate if active classname should be applied |
className string | Additional className to apply |
complete Deprecatedboolean | Flag to indicate if complete classname should be applied
@deprecated since v3.91.0 - use state instead. |
expand boolean | Flag to indicate if progress line should expand out from step |
state 'error' | 'complete' | Defines the status of the step. |
Property | Description |
complete Deprecatedboolean | Flag to indicate if step should show its been completed @deprecated since v3.91.0 - this is no longer necessary. |
innerRef React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement> | |
label React.ReactText | Value to display above step icon |
onClick (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLSpanElement, MouseEvent>) => void | Callback for when the icon is clicked |
spritemap string | Path to clay-css spritemap |
subTitle React.ReactText | Value to display below step icon |
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Property | Description |
active number | Value for which step index is active (controlled). |
activeIndex Deprecatednumber | Value for which step index is active
@deprecated since v3.52.0 - use active instead. |
defaultActive number | Set the default value of active state (uncontrolled). |
maxStepsShown number | Determines at what point a dropdown is show. The dropdown will
always show as the 2nd to last step. The default value is 7 |
onActiveChange InternalDispatch<number> | Callback for when step is clicked |
onIndexChange DeprecatedInternalDispatch<number> | Callback for when step is clicked
@deprecated since v3.52.0 - use onActiveChange instead. |
spritemap string | Path to spritemap for icon symbol. |
state 'error' | 'complete' | Defines the status of the current step. The default value is 'complete' |
steps Array<ISteps> | List of steps to display |