A modal is a secondary window that communicates or provides an action inside the same process.
install | yarn add @clayui/modal |
version | 3.122.0 |
Stable3.122.0View in LexiconCHANGELOG
Property | Description |
center boolean | Flag indicating to vertically center the modal. |
containerElementRef React.RefObject<Element> | Container element to render modal into. |
containerProps IPortalBaseProps | Props to add to the The default value is {} |
disableAutoClose boolean | A flag indicating if the modal shouldn't
be closed when either the ESC key is pressed
or when clicking outside the modal The default value is false |
size 'full-screen' | 'lg' | 'sm' | The size of element modal. |
observer Observer | Observer is Modal's communication system with useModal
hook, adds observer from useModal hook here. |
zIndex number | Allows setting a custom z-index value, overriding the default one which is 1040, modal body z-index will be +10 of this value |
| The default value is 'dialog' |
Property | Description |
iFrameProps React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIFrameElement> | Props to add to the iframe element The default value is {} |
scrollable boolean | Flag to indicate if body should be a fixed height with a scrollable overflow. |
url string | Url to place an iframe in the body of the modal. |
Property | Description |
first React.ReactElement | Sets the elements that are positioned `first following the LTR direction on the footer. |
last React.ReactElement | Sets the elements that are positioned last following
the LTR direction on the footer. |
middle React.ReactElement | Sets the elements that are positioned in the middle of the footer. |
Property | Description |
withTitle boolean | Flag for indicating if you want to use the Header its children being the title.
Set to false if you want to use this as a low-level component.The default value is true |
Property | Description |
shrink boolean | Flag for indicating if item should autofitting the width |
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>