This section demonstrates the different text input types.
install | yarn add @clayui/form |
version | 3.122.0 |
Stable3.122.0View in LexiconCHANGELOG
Property | Description |
component 'input' | 'textarea' | React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any> | Input component to render. Can either be a string like 'input' or 'textarea' or a component. The default value is 'input' |
insetAfter boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-inset-after class should be applied |
insetBefore boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-inset-before class should be applied |
sizing 'lg' | 'regular' | 'sm' | Selects the height of the input. The default value is 'regular' |
| The default value is 'text' |
Property | Description |
small boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-sm class should
be applied |
stacked boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-stacked-sm-down class
should be applied. |
Property | Description |
append boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-append class should
be applied |
prepend boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-prepend class should
be applied |
shrink boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-item-shrink class should
be applied |
Property | Description |
after boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-inset-item-after class
should be applied. |
before boolean | Flag to indicate if input-group-inset-item-before class
should be applied. |
tag 'div' | 'span' | 'label' | Name of container element The default value is 'div' |
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>