Dropdown Menu
A dropdown menu displays a list of options for the element that triggers it.
install | yarn add @clayui/drop-down |
version | 3.127.0 |
Stable3.127.0View in LexiconCHANGELOG
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag to indicate if the DropDown menu is active or not (controlled).
This API is generally used in conjunction with closeOnClickOutside=true
since often we are controlling the active state by clicking another element
within the document. |
alignmentByViewport React.ComponentProps<
typeof Menu
>['alignmentByViewport'] | Flag to align the DropDown menu within the viewport. |
alignmentPosition React.ComponentProps<typeof Menu>['alignmentPosition'] | Default position of menu element. Values come from ./Menu . |
containerElement React.JSXElementConstructor<any> | 'div' | 'li' | HTML element tag that the container should render. The default value is 'div' |
closeOnClick boolean | Flag that indicates whether to close DropDown when clicking on the item. The default value is false |
closeOnClickOutside React.ComponentProps<
typeof Menu
>['closeOnClickOutside'] | |
defaultActive boolean | Property to set the default value of active (uncontrolled).The default value is false |
filterKey string | Defines the name of the property key that is used in the items filter test (Dynamic content). |
hasRightSymbols boolean | Flag to indicate if menu contains icon symbols on the right side. |
hasLeftSymbols boolean | Flag to indicate if menu contains icon symbols on the left side. |
menuElementAttrs React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> &
Pick<React.ComponentProps<typeof Menu>, 'containerProps'> | Prop to pass DOM element attributes to |
menuHeight React.ComponentProps<typeof Menu>['height'] | |
menuWidth React.ComponentProps<typeof Menu>['width'] | |
onActiveChange InternalDispatch<boolean> | Callback for when the active state changes (controlled).
This API is generally used in conjunction with closeOnClickOutside=true
since often we are controlling the active state by clicking another element
within the document. |
offsetFn React.ComponentProps<typeof Menu>['offsetFn'] | Function for setting the offset of the menu from the trigger. |
renderMenuOnClick boolean | Flag indicating if the menu should be rendered lazily The default value is false |
triggerIcon string | null | Flag indicating if the caret icon should be displayed on the right side. The default value is null |
trigger React.ReactElement & {
ref?: (node: HTMLButtonElement | null) => void;
} | Element that is used as the trigger which will activate the dropdown on click. |
| The default value is 'menu' |
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLLIElement>
Property | Description |
header string | Value provided is a display component that is a header for the items in the group. |
role string | ARIA to define semantic meaning to content. The default value is 'group' |
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag that indicates if item is selected. |
disabled boolean | Flag that indicates if item is disabled or not. |
href string | Path for item to link to. |
innerRef React.Ref<any> | |
roleItem string | Sets the role accessibility property of the item. Set the item's
container () role use the role="" prop instead of roleItem="". The default value is 'menuitem' |
spritemap string | Path to icon spritemap from clay-css. |
symbolLeft string | Flag that indicates if there is an icon symbol on the left side. |
symbolRight string | Flag that indicates if there is an icon symbol on the right side. |
| The default value is 'presentation' |
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement>
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag to indicate if menu is showing or not. The default value is false |
alignElementRef React.RefObject<HTMLElement> | HTML element that the menu should be aligned to |
alignmentByViewport boolean | Flag to align the DropDown menu within the viewport. The default value is false |
autoBestAlign boolean | Flag to suggest or not the best region to align menu element. The default value is true |
alignmentPosition number | AlignPoints | Default position of menu element. Values come from above.
Align.TopCenter = 0;
Align.TopRight = 1;
Align.RightCenter = 2;
Align.BottomRight = 3;
Align.BottomCenter = 4;
Align.BottomLeft = 5;
Align.LeftCenter = 6;
Align.TopLeft = 7;
Defaults to BottomLeft
You can also pass an array of strings, corresponding to the points
of the targetNode and sourceNode, [sourceNode, targetNode] .
Points can be 't'(top), 'b'(bottom), 'c'(center), 'l'(left), 'r'(right).
For example: ['tl', 'bl'] corresponds to the bottom left alignment.The default value is 5 |
closeOnClickOutside boolean | Flag to indicate if clicking outside of the menu should automatically close it. The default value is true |
containerProps IPortalBaseProps | Props to add to the outer most container. The default value is {} |
hasLeftSymbols boolean | Flag to indicate if menu is displaying a clay-icon on the left. |
hasRightSymbols boolean | Flag to indicate if menu is displaying a clay-icon on the right. |
height literal | Adds utility class name dropdown-menu-height-${height} |
lock boolean | Flag to lock focus within the scope. The default value is false |
focusRefOnEsc DeprecatedReact.RefObject<HTMLElement> | Element ref to call focus() on after menu is closed via Escape key
@deprecated since v3.80.0 - use triggerRef instead. |
offsetFn (points: AlignPoints) => [number, number] | Function for setting the offset of the menu from the trigger. |
onActiveChange (value: boolean) => void | Callback function for when active state changes. |
onSetActive Deprecated(value: boolean) => void | Callback function for when active state changes.
@deprecated since v3.52.0 - use onActiveChange instead. |
suppress Array<React.RefObject<HTMLElement>> | Defines the reference of the elements that must be suppressed by the screen reader when the menu is opened. |
triggerRef React.RefObject<HTMLElement> | Reference of the element that triggers the Menu. |
width 'sm' | 'shrink' | 'full' | The modifier class dropdown-menu-width-${width} makes the menu expand
the full width of the page.
- sm makes the menu 500px wide.
- shrink makes the menu auto-adjust to text and max 240px wide.
- full makes the menu 100% wide. |
| The default value is 'presentation' |
Property | Description |
defaultValue string | Initial value of the input (uncontrolled). The default value is '' |
formProps React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement> | Props to add to form element The default value is {} |
onChange InternalDispatch<string> | Callback for when input value changes (controlled). |
spritemap string | Path to the location of the spritemap resource. |
submitProps React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> | Props to add to the button component. The default value is { 'aria-label': 'Search', type: 'button', } |
value string | Current value of the input (controlled). |
Extends from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLLIElement>
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag to indicate if the DropDown menu is active or not (controlled). |
alignmentByViewport React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDownMenu
>['alignmentByViewport'] | Flag to align the DropDown menu within the viewport. |
alignmentPosition React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDownMenu
>['alignmentPosition'] | Default position of menu element. Values come from ./Menu . |
caption string | Informational text that appears at the end or above the footerContent prop. |
className string | |
closeOnClickOutside React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDown
>['closeOnClickOutside'] | |
containerElement React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDown
>['containerElement'] | HTML element tag that the container should render. |
defaultActive boolean | Property to set the initial value of active (uncontrolled).The default value is false |
footerContent React.ReactElement | Add an action button or any other element you want to be fixed position to the footer from the DropDown. |
trigger React.ReactElement & {
ref?: (node: HTMLButtonElement | null) => void;
} | Element that is used as the trigger which will activate the dropdown on click. |
helpText string | Add informational text at the top of DropDown. |
menuElementAttrs React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDown
>['menuElementAttrs'] | Prop to pass DOM element attributes to |
menuHeight React.ComponentProps<typeof ClayDropDown>['menuHeight'] | |
menuWidth React.ComponentProps<typeof ClayDropDown>['menuWidth'] | |
messages string | Prop to use language keys. |
offsetFn React.ComponentProps<typeof ClayDropDown>['offsetFn'] | Function for setting the offset of the menu from the trigger. |
onActiveChange InternalDispatch<boolean> | Callback for when the active state changes (controlled). |
onSearchValueChange (newValue: string) => void | Callback will always be called when the user is interacting with search. The default value is () => {} |
renderMenuOnClick React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDown
>['renderMenuOnClick'] | Flag indicating if the menu should be rendered lazily |
searchable boolean | Flag to show search at the top of the DropDown. |
searchProps Omit<
React.ComponentProps<typeof Search>,
'onChange' | 'spritemap' | 'value'
> | Pass the props to the Search component. |
searchValue string | The value that will be passed to the search input element. The default value is '' |
triggerIcon string | null | Flag indicating if the caret icon should be displayed on the right side. The default value is null |
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag to indicate if the menu should be initially open (controlled). |
alignmentByViewport React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDownMenu
>['alignmentByViewport'] | Flag to align the DropDown menu within the viewport. |
alignmentPosition React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDownMenu
>['alignmentPosition'] | Default position of menu element. Values come from ./Menu . |
containerElement React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDown
>['containerElement'] | HTML element tag that the container should render. |
defaultActive boolean | Property to set the initial value of active (uncontrolled).The default value is false |
defaultActiveMenu string | The unique identifier of the menu that should be active on mount. |
initialActiveMenu Deprecatedstring | The unique identifier of the menu that should be active on mount.
@deprecated since v3.51.0 - use defaultActiveMenu instead. |
menuElementAttrs React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDown
>['menuElementAttrs'] | Prop to pass DOM element attributes to |
menuHeight React.ComponentProps<typeof ClayDropDown>['menuHeight'] | |
menuWidth React.ComponentProps<typeof ClayDropDown>['menuWidth'] | |
messages Messages | Messages for drilldown. The default value is { back: '', goTo: '', } |
menus {
[id: string]: React.ComponentProps<typeof Drilldown.Menu>['items'];
} | Map of menus and items to be used in the drilldown. Each key should be a unique identifier for the menu. |
offsetFn React.ComponentProps<typeof ClayDropDown>['offsetFn'] | Function for setting the offset of the menu from the trigger. |
onActiveChange InternalDispatch<boolean> | Callback the will be invoked when the active prop is changed (controlled). |
spritemap string | Path to spritemap |
renderMenuOnClick React.ComponentProps<
typeof ClayDropDown
>['renderMenuOnClick'] | Flag indicating if the menu should be rendered lazily |
trigger React.ReactElement | Element that is used as the trigger which will activate the dropdown on click. |
triggerIcon string | null | Flag indicating if the caret icon should be displayed on the right side. The default value is null |