View in LexiconIcons are a visual representation of an idea and/or action.
install | yarn add @clayui/icon |
version | |
use | import Icon from '@clayui/icon'; |
Table of Contents
Icon List
- accessibility
- add-cell
- add-column
- add-role
- add-row
- adjust
- align-center
- align-image-center
- align-image-full-width
- align-image-left
- align-image-right
- align-justify
- align-left
- align-right
- analytics
- angle-double-left-small
- angle-double-left
- angle-double-right-small
- angle-double-right
- angle-down-small
- angle-down
- angle-left-small
- angle-left
- angle-right-small
- angle-right
- angle-up-small
- angle-up
- announcement
- anonymize
- api-lock
- api-web
- archive
- arrow-end
- arrow-join
- arrow-right-full
- arrow-split
- arrow-start
- arrow-up-full
- arrow-xor
- asterisk
- audio
- automatic-translate
- autosize
- background-color
- bars
- bell-full
- bell-off
- bell-on
- block
- blogs
- bold
- bolt
- book
- bookmarks-full
- bookmarks
- books
- border-style
- border-width
- box-container
- braces
- brackets
- breadcrumb
- briefcase
- button
- calendar
- camera
- cards-full
- cards
- cards2
- caret-bottom-l
- caret-bottom
- caret-double-l
- caret-double
- caret-left-l
- caret-left
- caret-right-l
- caret-right
- caret-top-l
- caret-top
- catalog
- categories
- chain-broken
- change-list-disabled
- change-list
- change
- chatbot
- check-circle-full
- check-circle
- check-small
- check-square
- check
- chip
- circle
- closed-book
- cloud
- code
- cog
- coin
- color-picker
- columns
- comments
- community
- compress
- container
- content-shield
- control-panel
- cookie
- copy
- corner-radius
- credit-card
- cursor
- custom-field
- custom-size
- cut
- date-time
- date
- decimal
- desktop
- device-check
- devices
- diagonal-line
- diagram
- diamond
- diary
- disk
- display-content
- display
- document-code
- document-compressed
- document-default
- document-image
- document-multimedia
- document-pdf
- document-pending
- document-presentation
- document-table
- document-text
- document-vector
- document
- documents-and-media
- dollar-symbol
- download
- drag
- drop
- dropdown
- dynamic-data-list
- dynamic-data-mapping
- edit-layout
- effects
- ellipsis-h
- ellipsis-v
- embed
- emoji
- envelope-closed
- envelope-open
- environment-connected
- environment-disconnected
- environment
- exclamation-circle
- exclamation-full
- expand
- export
- field-area
- fieldset
- file-script
- file-template
- file-xsl
- filter
- flag-empty
- flag-full
- folder-lock-line
- folder-lock
- folder
- font-family
- font-size
- form-extensions
- format
- forms
- full-size
- gallery
- geolocation
- globe-lines
- globe-pin
- globe
- google-drive
- grid
- h1
- h2
- hashtag
- hdd
- heading
- heart-full
- heart
- hidden
- hierarchy
- home-full
- home
- horizontal-scroll
- hr
- icon-rule-builder
- import-export
- import-list
- import
- indent-less
- indent-more
- info-book
- info-circle-open
- info-circle
- info-panel-closed
- info-panel-open
- information-live
- integer
- italic
- key
- liferay-ac
- link
- list-ol-rtl
- list-ol
- list-ul-rtl
- list-ul
- list
- live
- lock-dots
- lock
- logout
- low-vision
- magic
- maps
- mark-as-answer
- mark-as-question
- marketplace
- megaphone-full
- merge
- message-boards
- message
- minus-circle
- mobile-device-rules
- mobile-devices
- mobile-landscape
- mobile-portrait
- moon
- move-folder
- move
- myspace
- no-bot
- nodes
- number
- oauth
- opacity
- open-id
- order-arrow-down
- order-arrow-left
- order-arrow-right
- order-arrow-up
- order-arrow
- order-ascending
- order-descending
- order-form-cog
- order-form-pencil
- order-form-tag
- order-form
- order-list-down
- order-list-up
- organizations
- page-template
- page
- pages-tree
- paperclip
- paragraph
- password-policies
- paste-plaintext
- paste-word
- paste
- pause
- pencil
- percentage-banner
- percentage-symbol
- phone
- picture
- pin-full
- pin
- play
- plug
- plus-squares
- plus
- polls
- price-tag
- product-menu-closed
- product-menu-open
- product-menu
- propagation
- question-circle-full
- question-circle
- quote-left
- quote-right
- radio-button
- react
- rectangle-split
- rectangle
- redo
- relationship
- reload
- remove-role
- remove-style
- reply
- repository
- reset
- restore
- rotate
- rss-full
- rss
- ruler
- rules
- scim
- search-experiences
- search-plus
- search
- select-all
- select-from-list
- select
- send
- seo
- separator
- shadow
- share-alt
- share
- sheets
- shield-asterisk
- shield-check
- shopping-cart
- shortcut
- sign-in
- signature
- simple-circle
- simulation-menu-closed
- simulation-menu-open
- simulation-menu
- site-template
- sites
- slideshow
- social-facebook
- social-instagram
- social-linkedin
- social-twitter
- social-vimeo
- spacer
- special-character
- speed
- square-hole-multi
- square-hole
- square
- squares-clock
- squares
- staging
- star-half
- star-o
- star
- stars
- sticky
- strikethrough
- subscript
- suitcase
- sun
- superscript
- table
- table2
- tablet-landscape
- tablet-portrait
- tabs
- tag
- tap-ahead
- test
- text-color
- text-editor
- text-l
- text
- textbox
- theme
- third-party
- thumbs-down-full
- thumbs-down
- thumbs-up-arrow
- thumbs-up-full
- thumbs-up
- time
- times-circle-full
- times-circle
- times-small
- times
- transform
- trash
- truck
- twitter-x
- underline
- undo
- unlock
- unpin
- upload-multiple
- upload
- urgent
- user-plus
- user
- users
- vertical-scroll
- video-streaming
- video
- view
- vocabulary
- voice
- warehouse
- warning-full
- warning
- web-content
- wiki-page
- wiki
- workflow
Language Flags
- ar-sa - Arabic - Saudi Arabia
- bg-bg - Bulgarian - Bulgaria
- ca-ad - Catalan - Andorra
- ca-es-valencia - Catalan - Valencia
- ca-es - Catalan - Spain
- cs-cz - Czech - Czech Republic
- da-dk - Danish - Denmark
- de-at - German - Austria
- de-ch - German - Switzerland
- de-de - German - Germany
- el-gr - Greek - Greece
- en-au - English - Australia
- en-ca - English - Canada
- en-gb - English - United Kingdom
- en-us - English - United States
- es-ar - Spanish - Argentina
- es-co - Spanish - Colombia
- es-es - Spanish - Spain
- es-mx - Spanish - Mexico
- et-ee - Estonian - Estonia
- eu-es - Basque - Spain
- fa-ir - Farsi - Iran
- fi-fi - Finnish - Finland
- fr-be - French - Belgium
- fr-ca - French - Canada
- fr-ch - French - Switzerland
- fr-fr - French - France
- gl-es - Galician - Spain
- hi-in - Hindi - India
- hr-hr - Croatian - Croatia
- hu-hu - Hungarian - Hungary
- in-id - Indonesian - Indonesia
- it-ch - Italian - Switzerland
- it-it - Italian - Italy
- iw-il - Hebrew - Israel
- ja-jp - Japanese - Japan
- kk-kz - Kazakh - Kazakhstan
- km-kh - Cambodia
- ko-kr - Korean - South Korea
- lo-la - Lao - Laos
- lt-lt - Lithuanian - Lithuania
- mk-mk - Macedonian - Macedonia
- ms-my - Malay - Malaysia
- nb-no - Norwegian Bokmål - Norway
- nl-be - Dutch - Belgium
- nl-nl - Dutch - Netherlands
- no-no - Norwegian - Norway
- pl-pl - Polish - Poland
- pt-br - Portuguese - Brazil
- pt-pt - Portuguese - Portugal
- ro-ro - Romanian - Romania
- ru-ru - Russian - Russia
- rw-rw - Kinyarwanda - Rwanda
- sk-sk - Slovak - Slovakia
- sl-si - Slovenian - Slovenia
- sr-rs-latin - Serbian Latin - Serbia
- sr-rs - Serbian - Serbia
- sv-se - Swedish - Sweden
- ta-in - Tamil - India
- th-th - Thai - Thailand
- tr-tr - Turkish - Turkey
- uk-ua - Ukrainian - Ukraine
- vi-vn - Vietnamese - Vietnam
- zh-cn - Chinese - China
- zh-tw - Chinese - Taiwan
Best Practices
For Icons, we use SVG elements that link to an SVG sprite. So, it becomes necessary to pass a parameter that points to a path where this spritemap
is located.
If you are using the spritemap from @clayui/css
you can download that svg here.
<ClayIcon symbol="heart" spritemap={spritemap} />
Using Context
For V3, an API was added to utilize context for passing spritemap down
instead of having to pass the prop everywhere.
Add import { ClayIconSpriteContext } from "@clayui/icon"
use the context as a provider. <ClayIconSpriteContext.Provider value="path/to/sprite.svg">
<ClayIconSpriteContext.Provider value="/icons.svg">
<ClayIcon symbol="add-cell" />
API Reference
React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<IProps & React.RefAttributes<SVGSVGElement>>
string | undefined
string | undefined
Path to the location of the spritemap resource.
symbol *
The id of the icon in the spritemap.
ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | nullEdit this page on GitHub
Matuzalém Teles, Diego Nascimento, Bryce Osterhaus, Krešimir Čoko, Olaf Kock, Patrick Yeo, Joshua Wu
Last edited January 29, 2025 at 3:19:14 AM
Table of Contents